
I hope you enjoy my collection of poetry about everything that touches my life, from the past and memories of war to present views of the world, love, pain and much more. I hope you find yourself in my words and enjoy the images presented within the lines of my poems.



Watching the leaves scatter on the lawn

frozen droplets clinging to their edges

dying slowly takes practice

each year we are unsure how long it takes


this longing for renewal ~

“I am not afraid of death.

It is part of life,”

my little boy told me

and I wonder

how would he be able to turn

emotions to mountains

to move the spring into fall ~

We rush to see the colors

we try to keep the vibrancy

but the fall

doesn’t slow the process of loss

for us ~

We stand united

that the frost is only the beginning

we want to save the dying

but earth welcomes our fears ~

Srebrenica - In Memoriam (July 11th)

Srebrenica - In Memoriam (July 11th)

Eyes That See

Eyes That See